
Pictured Rocks

This week I completed a thru hike at Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore along Lake Superior. It was my intent to make this my first multi-night hike and test my endurance carrying the full weight of a 40 lbs. backpack.


I am sure many people have given or received gifts from time to time that are beyond special. They are either so thoughtful or so capture the personality of the person as to cause shock and awe to the recipient.


October has always been a special month for Amy and me. Our long-distance relationship grew quickly after my initial September visit, and I returned the following month. We took a hike in the Southern Kettle Moraine State Forest

The Unspoken Eulogy

The following is a eulogy prepared by our very, very good friends Joe and Jackie. At Amy's celebration of life, Claire, Morgan, Carson and I each prepared a eulogy. We were unaware that they had also prepared to speak as well.

GSENM-Bryce Canyon

My trip to Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument (GSENM) has come and gone. I have returned safely (more on that later) and I had a fantastic experience. Losing Amy was unimaginable to me two short years ago.

GSENM-Death Hollow

We departed the Boulder Mail trailhead shortly before 10:30 AM. The trail is an old mail route between Boulder and Escalante. The trail was carved out of the wilderness by mules who would make the daily trip.

GSENM-Mamie Creek

After a leisurely breakfast, our plan was to hike about a mile and a half up Death Hollow Creek before beginning our ascent out of Death Hollow. We donned our water shoes and set off on our morning expedition.


That night, we had a leisurely dinner in our camp on the banks of a nearly dry Mamie Creek bed. Everyone was very relaxed as we talked about the day’s hike and the plan for our final trek to Escalante the next day.

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