
Yes Man

I have made it through the first year of my grief journey. My trips to the Porkies, Pictured Rocks, and Grand Staircase-Escalante are in my rear-view mirror and I feel very good about all I have accomplished. Many have asked me if I plan

Rescue Hereos

When your kids are growing up it is natural for them to pretend to be heroes. Whether it is a fire fighter, police officer, soldier, doctor, or EMT. Kids often spend hours pretending to be the heroes they see portrayed on television


Just after Labor Day this past year, one of Amy’s lifelong friends, Laura, and her husband, Craig, invited me to their home where they were hosting their 2nd annual backyard concert. The performer was Trapper Schoep,


Today my grief has been triggered. I thought I was doing well after weathering the first-year mark only to be derailed by the holidays and Amy’s upcoming birthday. Unboxing the Christmas decorations for the house

A Fowl Odor

This past week I returned from visiting my cousin and his wife near Mrytle Beach, South Carolina. I stopped at New River Gorge National Park in West Virginia on my way out and got in 12 miles of hiking to break up the long drive.

Key Lime Pie

From very early in her diagnosis, my goal was to make every day the best day it could possibly be for Amy. Thus began our new approach to life. We jokingly referred to this new philosophy as the Year of No Budget.

Mo-Mo Twins

Parents look forward to the birth of their children with anticipation and joy. There is a reason What to Expect When You’re Expecting written by Heidi Murkoff continues to be one of Amazon’s Best Sellers. This book is a must read

Two Mockingbirds

Every month I have lunch with my friend Jared. I met Jared through my employer and worked with him for many years before our lives became irrevocably linked. Jared’s wife, Lana, was diagnosed with colon cancer approximately


Several years ago, Amy and I went out to dinner with our friends Joe and Jackie to Tenuta’s Italian Restaurant in the Bayview neighborhood of Milwaukee. We loved small intimate restaurants like this and Tenuta’s did not disappoint.

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